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Computer Question Bank
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Which of the following is not processing?
  1. arranging
  2. manipulating
  3. calculating
  4. gathering

Q2. When you quickly press and release the left mouse button twice you are

  1. Primary clicking
  2. Pointing
  3. Double clicking
  4. Secondary clicking
Correct Answer

Q3. Ms Access: What is the difference between ‘Open’ and ‘Open Exclusively’?

  1. Open statement opens access database files and Open Exclusively opens database files of other program like Oracle
  2. Open Exclusive locks whole database so that no one can access it whereas Open locks only the record that is being accessed
  3. Both Open and Open Exclusively are same
  4. Open Exclusive command does not exist in MS Access
Correct Answer

Q4. Ms PowerPoint:How to insert Tables in Slide?

  1. Insert Table from Insert menu
  2. Click on Insert Table in content pane of blank slide
  3. Option A & B
  4. Tables cannot be inserted in slides
Correct Answer

Q5. Ms Excel:Formatting a cell in Number format you can’t set

  1. Decimal Places
  2. Use 1000 separator
  3. Negative numbers
  4. Currency Symbol
Correct Answer

Q6. Ms Excel:Edit >> Delete command

  1. Deletes the content of a cell
  2. Deletes Formats of cell
  3. Deletes the comment of cell
  4. Deletes selected cells
Correct Answer

Q7. Ms PowerPoint:What is the use of Researching Timings?

  1. This option allows you to rearrange slides
  2. This option allows you to set the time of animations
  3. This option allows you to rehearsal of slide presentation
  4. There is no such option in PowerPoint
Correct Answer

Q8. Ms Access: Which of the following is not a legitimate section for form objects?

  1. Form detail
  2. Group header
  3. Form header
  4. Page footer
Correct Answer

Q9. You can install fonts from

  1. Add from control program
  2. Font setup files
  3. Font .ext files
  4. All of above
Correct Answer

Q10. In a computer _____ is capable to store single binary bit.

  1. Capacitor
  2. Flip flop
  3. Register
  4. Inductor
Correct Answer

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